Third Week
September 24
September 25
September 26
Fourth Week
September 29
September 30
October 1
October 2
October 3
Fifth Week
October 6
October 7
October 8
October 9
October 10
Sixth Week
October 13
October 14
October 15
October 16
October 17
Seventh Week
October 20
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 24
Eighth Week
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
Ninth Week
November 3
Friday - October 10, 1997
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the responses in the journals
I collected in Algebra I. I was expecting a few thoughtful responses
coupled with a bunch of "this class sucks" entries. In fact, I received
only a tiny handful of the latter type and a majority of the former.
Atrocious spelling and grammar notwithstanding, they kids obviously put
down exactly how they felt on paper. They raised a number of valid
concerns and I felt that I had to address at least the common ones. I
told Maureen that I was thinking of addressing some of the classes'
concerns in class and she thought it was a good idea.
So I compiled a list of the most common concerns (a 2 page list!).
At the beginning of class, Maureen sat down in the front of the room
and started her talk. This wasn't a lecture, like she delivered last
week. Rather, she tried to discuss a little with the class exactly what
algebra is. For nearly everybody in the class, algebra is the first
time they have ever had "abstracted" math. Until this point, for instance,
they could always demonstrate what they were doing with a physical model
("one apple plus one apple makes two apples"). Variables defy such a
simple model and this is throwing a lot of students. She tried to
reassure the class that even if they aren't "getting it" now, they
probably will as time goes on.
I addressed some more specific concerns. The most common complaint,
by far, was "You don't spend enough time on the sections." In retrospect,
they were probably right. Unfortunately, I didn't know this at the
time. As I've said in a number of journal entries, the class asks very
few questions. I realized that there were a number of people who weren't
getting it. I didn't realize that almost the entire class was lost.
So I stressed to the class that communication and feedback was of the
utmost importance. This was a continuing theme throughout my talk. The
class needs to get more involved with their learning.
There was also a number of people who complained directly about me. I
am thinking, too, that if the class didn't know that I would be reading
the journals, then I might have had quite a few more personal attacks. As
a whole, I was knocked for going too fast and not explaining things
simply enough. With 40 people in the class, though, I wasn't surprised
to see a variety of reasons why I wasn't any good at teaching. I read
that "Mr Granroth never teaches the same material the same way. Every time
he says how to do something, he teaches it differently and I get
confused." Okay. I do try to vary my explanations if I see that the
the questioner is not getting it. But then I read another paper: "Mr.
Granroth always explains things the exact same way. I didn't understand
him the first time so I won't understand him if he just repeats himself."
Huh? This is the same class listening to the exact same lectures. Yet
I get two totally different perceptions of what I am doing. I have no
clue how I could possibly reconcile both parties...
There was still a few minutes left after Maureen and my little talk,
so I started lecturing on the new section. As luck would have it, it was
an "easy" section and the class could leave in relative good spirits.
All in all, that went pretty well. We'll see if things will change
at all...